
Frequently asked questions

  • How can I access and watch the video-recorded classes?

    To watch the recorded videos, tap or click "SIGN IN" at the top right corner of the main menu and go to "MY DASHBOARD". Select the specific course you wish to access.

  • Are all live Zoom classes recorded and uploaded to your site? If so, how often?

    NCLEX Unlimited Online prioritizes the convenience of our students by recording and uploading all topics on our site, especially to those who may have missed a certain class for unlimited viewing. All topics are uploaded and compiled with multiple versions from various lecturers according to their specialties. We will only record and upload new videos once their are new updates with the concepts to avoid redundancies.

  • Where can I find the answer keys for the pre-test and post-test?

    Pre and Post-tests are prepared by our lecturer during the class. Right after the test will the answer be given verbally. Ultimately, we encourage our students to attend live Zoom classes so that you won't miss a thing. You may download a copy of the pre and post-test and try answering them to the best of your knowledge.

  • How can I rate your courses?

    We always aim to provide excellent service to our students. We appreciate you taking the time to rate our courses according to your satisfaction. To rate a course, go to "ALL COURSES", select the course you wish to rate and it directs you to another page. Right under the main banner title, tap or click "RATE THIS COURSE" and follow the steps.