CATS Computerize Adaptive Test System

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What is CATS?

Next-Gen NCLEX Unlimited Online's ultimate platform to help students prepare for their NCLEX exam

CATS Features

  • Challenging Questions

    CATS is built with different levels of questions crafted by our NCLEX veteran researchers and international instructors to challenge your comprehension and test-taking skills.

  • Up-to-date Contents

    CATS is now Next-Gen Ready and contain 6,000+ alternate format questions, such as Multiple Choice, Select all that Apply (SATA), Drag and Drop, Fill in the Blank, Audio and Graphic, and Chat or Exhibit.

  • Customizable Test

    CATS provides you daily access to the Mock Test and Custom Test. You can now customize your question type and several items that can be tailored fit to your NCLEX exam preparation needs.

  • Adaptive Test System

    CATS cutting-edge technology and algorithm uniquely respond to each answer you input on your test practice -- "it simulates the actual NCLEX exam!" You can then assess your daily exam performance by accessing the Test Summary & Performance Report.

  • User-friendly Tools

    CATS comes with an interface and assistive tools that are well-crafted and easy to use. It is also built with "unlimited reset" so you can maximize your learning experience.

  • Study-on-the-go

    CATS is compatible with all digital devices. You can now practice answering questions anytime, anywhere!

How to access CATS?

Access CATS by following the 7 easy steps

How to use CATS?

Create your daily Mock Test and Custom Test by following the 5 easy steps

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