Course Curriculum

To watch the video-recorded classes, click SIGN IN and go to MY DASHBOARD

    1. About 9.0 NINER

    2. Course Outline

    3. Review Guide

    4. Live & Interactive Online Schedule via ZOOM

    5. Virtual Assistance

    1. IELTS Orientation

    1. IELTS Diagnostics (LRW)

    2. IELTS Diagnostics Key Answers

    1. Major Lecture in Listening

    2. Major Lecture in Reading

    3. Academic Writing Task 1 Major Lecture

    4. Writing Task 2 Major Lecture

    5. Major Lecture in Speaking

    1. Grammar 1 (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbals and Articles)

    2. Grammar 2 (Verbs and Verb Usage)

    3. Grammar 3 (Verb Tenses)

    4. Grammar 4 (Modal Verbs and Conditionals)

    5. Grammar 5 (Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbals)

    6. Grammar 6 (Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases)

    7. Grammar 7 (Conjunctions, Sentences and Relative Clauses)

    8. Grammar 8 (Grammar Exam)

    9. Grammar 9 (Grammar Exam)

    10. Grammar 10 (Grammar Exam)

    11. Grammar for IELTS

    12. Grammar Quizzes and Exams Key Answers

    1. Vocabulary 1

    2. Vocabulary 2

    3. Vocabulary 3 (Vocab 1 Exam)

    4. Vocabulary 4 (Vocab 2 Exam)

    5. Vocabulary for IELTS

    6. Vocabulary Quizzes and Exams Key Answers

About this course

  • Free
  • 70 lessons
  • 114.5 hours of video content